Monday, May 28, 2007

It Really Wasn't ALL That Bad...

Whew! Today has been a LONG day. I began at, believe it or not, 8:30 a.m. and got to my high school at 9:08 (yea we were supposed to be there at 9...) From there I proceeded to march in the Memorial Day Parade in our friendly old people community down the street. It felt weird at one part because on of the pastor's was praying and asked us to recite a certain line at times during the prayer. When it came time, I said it and then opened my eyes to see everyone just STARING at me like I was some kind of lunatic for ACTUALLY PAYING ATTENTION!!! lol

Anyway, then I went home for two hours before going to work from 2:00 to 5:30. I heard news that Mr. Snyder is not going to let Daniel nor I into the choir this year because we are mean, ugly, and cannot sing (lol I LOVE how he jokes with a straight face!!!!! and yes he WAS JOKING for all you meanies out there *coughSylviacough*)

Finally I got to go home again and eat Porterhouse Steak (Thanks to my daddy) and went out for ice-cream.

During this whole time of being home I was watching episodes from the Law and Order Marathon that was on today. What can I say, that show is THE BOMB!!!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could've watched that Law & Order marathon, but I'm fasting for 40 DAYS!!!

Billy said...

Well, I'm glad you made it through your long day. You could have invited Shagga Bear and I over for the Porterhouse Steak!!!!!!!!!!! :-)